Romans International among Britain’s best companies

  • Romans International among Britain’s best companies

Romans international has fallen to fantastic praise after being included in the London Stock Exchange’s 1000 Companies to Inspire Britain report, an event which is being met with great interest.

1000 Companies to Inspire Britain is an annual celebration arranged by the London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) that highlights the fastest growing and most dynamic small and medium-sized enterprises across the UK. To be included is a fantastic achievement for any company and while only in its second edition, it serves as a real milestone for companies across the UK. Most of all, it’s something the team here at Romans International are incredibly proud to have achieved.

To be selected for the coveted list, not only do businesses have to demonstrate positive growth over the four-year period, companies also have to outperform peers within their fields, and it’s for this reason that we are embracing this here at Romans International.

When speaking about the unveiling of the report, the CEO of the London Stock Exchange Group, Xavier Rolet, said that the companies included in the report more than doubled their revenue during the past four years, on average.

The Rt.Hon. George Osbourne MP, Chancellor of the Exchequer, added: “This is a remarkable list of outstanding companies. These businesses have been built by the drive, commitment and vision of Britain’s entrepreneurs and business leaders.

“It is my privilege to be able to congratulate them all, and to thank London Stock Exchange Group for its work.”

With small and medium-sized businesses serving as the bedrock of the UK economy, the list compiled by the LSEG is hoped to inspire budding entrepreneurs to follow their dreams and build a successful brand for themselves.

As for us here at Romans International, it serves as a testament to the work we do for our customers. From sourcing the best new and used supercars to delivering outstanding service to our customers, we look forward to offering this and more for many years to come.